Park View Lower School Hatha Yoga Mixed ability Class £7.50
North Lodge, Chester-Le-Street Tuesday 6.30-7.30pm
Cut off for booking is Monday 6.30pm.
(Re-Starts September 2024)
Pelton Community Centre Hatha Yoga Mixed ability Class £7.50
Wednesday 5.30-6.30pm
Cut off for booking is Tuesday 5.30pm.
Online Yoga Classes (Zoom)
*Monday 7-8pm Hatha Yoga Mixed ability Class
*Friday 6.30-7.30pm Rest and Restore
*Sunday 8.30-9.30am Rise and Shine
Single online classes are £6 per session.
Weekly online classes (Monday, Friday and Sunday consecutive £15.
All online classes for 4 weeks (12 sessions consecutive) £40 equivalent of £3.33 per class.
Any missed classes do not roll over, for more information please get in contact
Yoga In the Woods (Seasonal) Sunday 9.30-10.30am £10
(with a donation from your funds going to charity to help UK Woodland areas.)
Rise & Shine With Nature. Join us in this stunning location with permissions. Expect gentle yoga, meditation & breath-work surrounded by meadows, flowers, trees and nature.
Accessible Inversions and Arm-balances Workshop
Next date TBC
Pelton Community Centre
(8 places maximum available)
You will learn warm ups to help prevent strain and injury before accessing the poses and cool downs after an integrated yoga practice.
You will learn about how to use bandhas and their importance in the practice of yoga asana.
Pranayama integrated into asana and it’s benefits for the mind and body as well as to help create homeostasis in asana practice.
The integrated effects on the body, mind and general health from inversions and arm balances.
Build more strength, flexibility and improve balance. Feel empowered in self and confidence. Overcome limiting self beliefs and personal barriers.
Be your own warrior and hero on and off the mat because it super charges your confidence.
You’ll feel energised and revitalised.
’Yoga & the cakras’ the philosophy & psychology of the cakras 7 week course.
Pelton Community Centre
Thursday (tbc) 2024
Price (tbc) 2024
Each week will include talk about each Cakra accompanied by handout and crystal to work with.
We will look at philosophy and history, and the latest scientific input and studies around Cakras and energy systems.
Over the 7 weeks we will study each of the modern main 7 cakras, and other Cakra systems. Expect meditations, affirmation, yantras and god’s associated and the mantra involved for each energy centre.
You will also get your yoga practice focused on that cakra on that week.
This course is ideal for those who want to learn more and delve a little deeper into yoga and how we are energy beings living in an energetic community and world.
‘Yoga to rest and restore’ workshop (TBC)
This workshop is for those who regularly feel tired, anxious, who struggle with sleep.
This course will focus around soothing the nervous system and aims to help offer ways to find internal peace from a busy world and busy mind.
The practice involves: Gentle Somatic yoga movements and practice using props, pillows, chairs and the walls in the space.
Pranayama & techniques an mudras integrated into practice and for daily use to calm the nervous system and a busy mind.
Integrated knowledge and understanding of the latest science & yoga for the nervous system, mind, body and energy.
This course/workshop is ideal for anyone who wants a bit of TLC, has been stressed and is low on energy and feeling fatigued.
Bookings & Cancellations Policy
Once booked all classes are none refundable or transferable unless the class is cancelled by Blue Skies Yoga. In this case funds may be transferred onto another session or fully refunded.
Due to the nature of hiring from other providers and companies we operate a 24 hour cut off time for all class bookings. So if you want to book for any class the closing time for booking is 24 hours before the class start time at latest.
Booking can be paid via Pay Pal (as friends) using the form below.
Please complete your details and select the session you wish to attend. Once funds are received you will be sent booking confirmation via message or email. Alternatively, if you’d like to pay as business please add £1 extra to any payment to cover the charges. Not on Pay Pal? We can offer online bank transfer information too. Just get in touch. Please read the Class information/FAQ prior to taking any classes.